Saturday, June 07, 2008

Insurance and the Lottery

I'm going on holiday next month to Turkey and being the responsible person that I am, I've taken out travel insurance. Only when you have a brain tumour/epilepsy it's not as easy as it should be. A number of insurance companies just laugh and turn you down. Okay - they don't actually laugh but you know what I mean. So I look on the National Epilepsy Society website and try some of the insurance companies they suggest. One or two (no names) say that unfortunately, on their points system, they're unable to cover me. I end up getting insurance that covers the family but excludes cover for me for anything to do with my condition. Apart from that, the cover comes to £30. Bargain.

So I think - well, that's that. The chances of me having anything worse than a seizure are extremely low and our UK health insurance covers any costs if I have to be hospitalised, so that's that.

Only my wife won't have it. She wants me to be fully covered. "What if I have to be repatriated?" She asks. "What if you die?" Well, I won't go into the discussion that went on except to say that the odds of that happening were extremely low. I checked and found that the insurance premium just for me is £240. Yes, £240. I said that given the comparative odds, I'd rather buy 240 lottery tickets.

I lost the argument.

240 quid! How much beer is that?