Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's that smell again...

I had another seizure this morning. Not enough to call the ambulance but still a full-blown epileptic fit. I think it may have been a combination of alcohol and forgetting to take my medication at the right time. I think there must be more than this involved because I've done both of those without fitting but maybe I was just unlucky this time. I hope it's a one-off rather than them coming back again.

But with reference to the title, this seizure was signposted by the strange, strong smell that I experienced just before I had my first fit. An intense smell, like smelling salts in effect, although it didn't smell like that. This time I recognised it before the fit itself kicked in properly. I wasn't panicking but I knew that something was happening. I also felt very strong pins and needles in my hands and tried to say this but was not able to string the words together. It was very annoying. I just said that I wasn't getting frightened or anything, but I couldn't. And that's the last I remember until I came to after the seizure. I spent the rest of the day feeling very tired and slept for a lot of it.

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