Thursday, November 06, 2008

Juuuust A Minute!

I met my radiotherapy consultant for the first time, whom I shall refer to as Nick. He doesn't know that yet. Anyway, he was an extremely pleasant chap who sounded like he was a contestant in the famous BBC Radio 4 show hosted by Nicholas Parsons. He spoke incredibly quickly but he also had a great sense of humour. For example, he said that I should bring along the CD of my most recent MRI scans (I so want to bring out an album with that title) to the hospital when I start my radiotherapy. I said that I could just do a copy and send it to him. "No," he said, and then to inspire confidence in him to me he added: "I'll only forget it or something..."

Anyway - the good news is that when he looked at my scans he described my tumour as "subtle". I asked him what that meant and he said that it confirmed it was low-grade. Which was nice.

He also intimated that the radio-therapy was less of a pain than I thought. Yes, it's still 30 working days, yes I may get nausea, hair-loss and tiredness as side-effects and yes it is an hour long per session, roughly. But the actual time that you're being zapped is more like 20 minutes. The rest of the time is all the messing about, waiting around, and so on. He seemed to think the whole thing was a doddle. But then, of course, he's not the one being zapped...

But, as with Andy, they all seem to be quite laid back about the whole thing and I don't think that's just because it's not them it's happening to. So I have my fingers tightly crossed that there'll be nothing more in this blog 'til 2009!

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