Thursday, February 12, 2009

No news is good news

It may be apparent that my postings here have become less frequent. That's for no other reason than there's nothing to report, really. I have been extremely fortunate that I don't seem to have suffered major side-effects, and even the other ones are minor. Obviously.

As I wrote in a previous post, I have lost a little bit of hair but only around one temple. When Nick looked at it yesterday he was well pleased. "What a lovely straight line." He said. He then told me that that indicated the accuracy of the zapping. He had also told me previously that it is possible to develop a bald patch diametrically opposite the main target. When we looked today, it appeared that nothing had happened on that score. He then told me that it was quite rare for that to happen, but that he always told people about this possibility because there were times when it did happen and the patient and/or their friends then got all pannicky, thinking that the patient was being zapped in the wrong place! Which, in certain ways, is understandable.

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